April 2019 update

2019 postdoc resolutions’ update – April

April in Japan is a month when the academic year starts. Although the situation in the lab changed slightly, my work just carries on. Here is a wrap up for the month of April.

The scale is 0 to 3 (0 – no progress, 1 – tiny progress, 2 – some progress, 3 – galactic progress).
Let’s get into it:

1. I will learn new research method this year

I have learned how to assign labels and build AIM model for my motion data.
Progress: 1/3.

2. I will master one new statistical concept this year

I have learned how to calculate acute to chronic training load ratios, both coupled and uncoupled.
Progress: 1/3.

3. I will invest in relationships

This month, I have met a few people. I have manged to send an email, I was dragging about.
One of my collaborators suggested we submit abstract. I have submitted two abstracts for this conference .
Progress: 3/3.

4. I will set up a healthy schedule/lifestyle

So-so in this department. Sleep: so-so, eating: busy and still eating sweets, training: missed a lot this month due to some work commitments.
Overall: 1/3.

5. I will set up an outreach plan

Posting regularly on Instagram went great this month. I have posted on average two posts a day. I am thinking about challenging myself to posting three posts a day. It is so much fun.

MondayWritingCorner series on Instagram has finished. I did not set up a new batch yet.

I have published three blog posts on this blog this month. So this was good. I have a few posts on a back burner, just been too busy to finish them off. I am thinking about putting some of the posts from this blog on LinkedIn. What do you think?
Progress: 3/3.

6. I will come up with (my dream) a job

I have done an initial assessment in one of recruitment companies here in Japan.
Progress: 1/3.

7. I will make a plan for the future (20 years)

We have decided, that we want to stay in Japan for a little bit longer. My JSPS scholarship finishes in November though, so I am looking for a new job. I don’t know the language though, so my chances are low.
Progress: 1/3.

8. I will dare to start the project which I have always wanted to do, but did not have a chance to realise

No new projects started, but an outside project I have been working on for some time now, has finally moved ahead. We have got it registered in PROSPERO, and got feedback from reviewers on our protocol paper.
Progress: 2/3.

9. Postdoc progress

The project is going great. Although I am a little bit behind the schedule.
Progress: 3/3.

Summary for the month of April

Learning (points 1 + 2 + 9) = 1 + 1 + 3 = 5
Development (points 3 + 4 + 5) = 3 + 1 +3 = 7
Future (points 6 + 7 + 8) = 1 + 1 + 2 = 4

This totals at 16 (out of 27) for April 2019. This is huge improvement in comparison to the last month when I have scored only 12.

Hugs, Alex

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